We'll go through challenges together , we laugh as we learn , we care and we share as we grow together as a team .


"I like this! We had th most memories during th KL trip, I guess. I miss those times whr we ran ard to eah other's room to explore. And my prank calls to some of you. Hahas :D We played tgt, ate tgt. Some of us, in fact th whole team had showered wiv some else tgt before i guess. As in not showering tgt but a few of you inside th toilet while you shower. Hah. Lols. Thts all~ BYE! But I seriously wish tht we can rewind back to those times whr we had so much fun tgt. "

3:38 PM  //  Forever United

Ashiqin's picture :)

HIHIHIHIHI :D Ashiqin here .
The photo thing , i requested , this is mine .
why i like this is because that this very moment , we were just days before west zone .
we know what we wanted , what we dreamed of and we were just steps away from second round
but its okay , the whole westzone season was awesome for me , as i think that , we benefited from most of it . esp the 1 minute silent game thing . it was sweet to know that we all cant shut up for even one minute when we're together . after four tries , we succeeded . but still havent cause got silent laughs . next time we try again .
JIAYOU girls .

3:38 PM  //  Forever United


just uploading a few pics of 30/12/10 aka awesome day .
-by ashiqin :P

6:37 PM  //  Forever United


Just keeping the blog alive. c=
Yeahh, so we won big time with Hong Kah. Victory is indeed great!

Okay, that's all. -.- Like i said, just keeping the dead blog alive. Rest well for the rest of the week!


4:25 PM  //  Forever United


Hie everyone :D
I have edited TEENY WEENY at the players page .
So , ttoday played a match against Anderson sec . Lost , big diff in scores . about 50++ - 7 ?
But nehmind , we've got to work hard cos west zone is coming , right ?
So i hope everyone treasure this opportunity cos this is the last time we ALL be in schoolteam .
JIAYOU superman :D

11:29 PM  //  Forever United

Hihi everybody :D
Please do update this deadly blog .
uh , ranjitha will be away from 6 dec - 13 dec if im not wrong . She's gg australia .

Will be having friendly with YioChuKang on 6 dec .
Do train on dodging skills at home . or keep on jumping , to make you taller .
dont forget , on the 16th of dec , we will be having dap camp from 0730 - 1600 .
remember to buy your very budget xmas gifts . budget $2 . very less .
anyways , see you all in school .
And add my email :
and my blog :

- AshiQin ^.^

3:36 PM  //  Forever United

Happy 13th birthday Fazira ! thanks for all your contribution to the team ! ^^ WE LOVE YOU ! ♥

Hey girls , we must prove her wrong . Seriously . We have to work double hard then seniors , & to be serious no matter during training or games . We have to fight for every ball , & treasure every single pass . She gave a word 'hopeless' to us , but she didnt even think about how much effort we had put in this 11 months . She don't know how much sweat we drip just for one single game . Prove her wrong ! Believe we can do it ! Remember , our hard work will definitely pay off ! Go for it Girls !

Love you girls forever !

4:37 PM  //  Forever United

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